Monday, August 26, 2024

In a Vase on Monday: A change in direction

Saturday evening I had a clear idea what I was going to do to fill two vases.  However, on Sunday morning I changed my direction on both.  Maybe the arrangements I'd originally envisioned will materialize next week.

The first arrangement I went with was inspired by Dahlia 'Lady Darlene'.  The plant produced its first two flowers late last week.  The first bloom was humongous and I couldn't deny it its time in the limelight.  In contrast, the dahlia I'd originally eyed for my first vase still has a little way to go before it's fully open.

The older, fully developed flower of 'Lady Darlene' is on the left and the newer bloom is on the right

I dressed up the back view with a single bloom of Dahlia 'La Luna'.  I also tucked in another, very short-stemmed Dahlia 'Excentric', visible on the lower left.

Top view

Clockwise from the upper left: Cuphea 'Honeybells', Leptospermum 'Copper Glow', Plectranthus scutellarioides 'Florida Sun Rose' (aka coleus), Dahlia 'Lady Darlene', D. 'La Luna', D. 'Excentric', Zinnia elegans 'Raspberry Limeade', and Z. e. 'Benary's Giant Wine'.  The last was a brighter, lighter version of the zinnias I cut last week but it has to be the product of the same seeds I sowed back in June.

The second arrangement features Dahlia 'Mikayla Miranda', which is one of my favorites.  It's currently producing a mass of flowers and I noted evidence that a grasshopper has been nibbling on the petals of a couple of its blooms so I decided to cut them before they were lost.

I added stems of Polygala myrtifolia (aka sweet pea shrub) and Symphyotrichum chilense to fill out the arrangement.  Some readers may recall that I tried to remove the aster in 2021 - well, 2 years of good rain brought it back.

This back view could have used a cleanup but so it goes

Top view

Clockwise from the upper left: Acacia cognata 'Cousin Itt', Leucadendron laxum, Symphyotrichum chilense, Dahlia 'Mikayla Miranda, and Polygala myrtifolia

We were lucky to have lower-than-average temperatures from last Thursday through the weekend but they're expected to climb again as the workweek kicks off, possibly continuing through the end of the month and into September.  I gather that there's a nominal chance of monsoonal moisture blowing into Southern California, although absent that happening, forecasts continue to suggest a dry fall season.

For more IAVOM creations, check in with Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.

All material © 2012-2024 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party


  1. It's crazy how different the fully developed flower of 'Lady Darlene' is from the one not quite fully...
    I love the second arrangement, with that particular vase: the effervescent 'Mikayla Miranda', the 'waterfall' effect of Cousin Itt' sprinkled with a touch of color... gorgeous.

    1. I don't remember being nearly as impressed by 'Lady Darlene' last year than I am this year, Chavli. In contrast, 'Mikayla Miranda' always was and always will be fabulous.

  2. These are both pretty, Lady Darlene ages beautifully. Mikayla Miranda is so romantic she needed two names! That arrangement is a show stopper, really pretty. I've so enjoyed the cooler weather, am dreading the warm up.

    1. I'd hoped we were going to ease into the warm-up, Tracy, but it seems that's not the case :(

  3. What beautiful dahlias you have, and how nicely you have arranged them.

    1. Thanks Noelle! Dahlias almost arrange themselves ;)

  4. Faaaaaaabulous Dahlias! Now is Meeko "investigating" them at all? I hope she's bringing you great joy.

    1. Yes, there are unwanted signs of attention to the flowers on Meeko's part; however, so far, no vases have come crashing down to the floor!

  5. Your Dahlias just keep getting better! Gorgeous. Amelia

    1. There are still a few late comers awaiting the right moments for their entrances, Amelia ;)

  6. Dahlias and zinnias (when successful!) just keep on giving, don't they? Zinnias always seem happier in the US than here, though, or so it seems in our blogging community! I particularly like the hints of aster and sweet pea shrub in your second vase today - so subtle, but they really add to the vase

    1. The aster was a nice addition to that arrangement, although I'm not really happy that the plant, which spreads by rhizomes, is back after all the effort I put into digging up the entire bed to eliminate it!

  7. I simply LOVE dahlia season, and I'm enjoying seeing yours arrive here weekly. Beautiful vases, Kris! Eliza

    1. The long, hot, dry summers here are much more tolerable with dahlias to brighten up the season, Eliza!

  8. The dahlias once again this week are stunning. Such inspiration for creating vases.....beautifully put together.

    1. I can't even imagine summer flower arrangements without dahlias any more, Donna!

  9. Wow, your dahlias are amazing! Gorgeous arrangements Kris! I love the little blue asters in the second one… they go so nicely with the paler dahlias. Glad they came back for you!

    1. While I enjoy the aster flowers, I tried to remove them because they're relentless spreaders. However, we're anticipating the La Nina conditions will mean far less rain this year, which while not a good thing in itself, may keep that California native aster under control.

  10. It's definitely the dahlia days isn't it? I love the fillers you chose to accompany them.

    1. The Zinnias are trying to catch up for I think the dahlias will rule the cutting garden well into October.

  11. Stunning Dahlias and your choice of greeneries are perfect along with the gorgeous vases. Beautiful.

  12. Your dahlias are splendid this year. I love your 'Lady Darlene' arrangement and just as much adore the 'Mikayla Miranda' one. Different moods, both exciting.

    1. This is the second year for those 2 dahlias in my garden. I love both of them.

  13. Oh my goodness...I love, love, love the Dahlias! I wish I could grow more, but I have too much shade. I'll keep trying a few here and there. Your combinations with the foliage, the other flowers, and the vases are lovely!

    1. Thanks Beth. I admit the dahlias make me very happy - and I didn't used to be happy with much of anything in my late summer garden.


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