I did an extensive job of renovating the succulent bed in front of the garage last March, pulling out almost half the plants that had been there. New plants were added but while some plants were reintroduced, others were potted up for future use. I didn't touch anything in the background on the northwest end of the bed as most of that space was occupied by three very large 'Edward Goucher' Abelias that had clearly been there for years before we purchased the house fourteen years ago. They'd been sheared by gardeners on a regular basis, leaving the centers of the shrubs a twiggy mess. They also shaded surrounding plants. Not long after I "completed" my renovation of the succulent bed, I decided to start pruning the Abelias to provide my succulents better sun exposure. I cut the first shrub by two-thirds but eventually asked my husband to dig it up for me. A few months later I hacked back the other two. A second shrub was pulled out in its entirety in January. The third one got the ax last week.
I started replanting, using plants I had on hand, including some I'd potted up during my original renovation of the bed in 2024.
This is the "after" shot taken from the front of the bed |
Despite the best efforts of my husband and myself, the Abelias aren't entirely gone.
The first Abelia we removed has manged to resurrect itself but I'm keeping an eye on it. If I can't keep it below 2 feet in height, I'll be digging it up again. |
There was quite a bit of empty space to fill even if it wasn't evident from a distance.
View of the back section of the bed from the path used to move our trash bins to and from the street |
I partially filled in this area with Aeonium cuttings, leftover Aloe plants, and segments of a flat of the groundcover Ruschia 'Nana' |
I filled in this area along the flagstone path at the back of the bed with a noID Aloe, Crassula swaziensis I got by mail order in January, and more Ruschia |
This area received the small division of Kumara plicitilis I potted up last year and a clumping Aloe juvenna among other things |
I also tucked in pieces of Ruschia throughout other areas of the succulent bed |
Here are closeup photos of the plants I added:
Top: Aeonium cuttings (possibly 'Cyclops'), Agave 'Multicolor' bulbils, and Agave attenuata (with Philodendron 'Brasil') Middle: Aloe juvenna, noID Aloe, and 3 Aloe striata x maculata pups Bottom: Crassula falcata pup, 3 Crassula swaziensis 'Variegata', and one Kumara plicitilis |
I also added more Aloe brevifolia pups and a potted Aloe (aristata maybe?) |
Various containers and other features continue to anchor the space.
The disintegrating chiminea left behind by a prior owner has been straightened up. It supports a few Tillandsia wired to its front door, including one now flowering. |
Although it could use repotting, Schefflera 'Neon' is happier outside than it ever was in the house |
I repositioned the large pot containing Dermatobotrys saundersii and took several cuttings to see if I can successfully propagate it. If the cuttings take, I'll remove the mother plant and replace it with something more colorful. |
My new Agave 'Snow Glow' still has pride of place in another large pot |
Rotheca myricoides 'Ugandense' has struggled with our colder-than-average temperatures but I think it'll be happier with the increased light it receives now that the Abelia shrubs are gone |
The bed's signature plants also remain in place.
This clump of Agave attenuata is looking as good as new since I cut back the rosettes that were damaged by agave edema over a year ago. When we moved in 14 years ago, this clump was the only succulent in the entire garden. A lot has changed! |
This Agave attenuata 'Raea's Gold' was relocated here in March 2024 when it grew too large for its spot in my back garden |
Cuttings of what I think is Aeonium 'Jack Catlin' planted last year |
These Echeveria agavoides (possibly 'Red Edge'), planted last March, are also doing well |
I still have work to do on the rock edging surrounding the front of the bed.
I need more brick sized pieces of stone to finish edging the bed. I'm hoping my husband can find a way to break up the small slabs of rock I have on hand for that purpose. The stone was saved when our living room chimney was rebuilt last July. I moved the smiley-faced stone piece I had elsewhere to fill in one spot but I still have another 3-4 feet to fill. |
I've also appropriated some of the stone removed when our chimney was repaired last July for use in my north-side garden.
I need to level the stone here. Most of the slabs contain pieces of the concrete used to attach them to the face of the original chimney. |
I'm planning to shop for more small succulents soon to fill in the areas in the north-side garden left empty when I cleared out the massive 'Rosa Gorda' Agave in late January. I suspect I'll inevitably pick up more plants for the front succulent bed too. The renovation process is never really finished...
All material © 2012-2025 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party