Friday, November 3, 2023


We've got family in town so I couldn't manage a long post today.  I've been working hard in my garden all week but there was little to show that was worth photographing.  I'm offering best wishes for a colorful weekend with a sunrise shot taken from my back door looking out onto the Port of Los Angeles.

Yes, that's a view of the sun rising in the east, not a sunset view.  I live on a peninsula and there's ocean surrounding it on 3 sides.

With each sunrise we can wish for peaceful conclusions to the wars currently tearing people apart around the world and putting lives at risk.

I'll be back with a regular post on Monday.


All material © 2012-2023 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party


  1. Peace is a stream
    From the heart of a man;
    Peace is a man, whose breadth
    Is the dawn.
    Peace is a dawn
    On a day without end;
    Peace is the end, like death
    Of the war.

    1. Thank you for sharing the poem/song from King Crimson if my online search is correct. While the posting is anonymous, based on its source, I'm guessing I know the poster.

  2. That's beautiful and a wonderful view/post to share. Thank you! Enjoy your guests and your weekend. :)

  3. Beautiful photo--hope you had a great time with your visitors. Now, back to gardening... :^) -- hoov b.

    1. The weather here was particularly nice yesterday and today, HB. I hope yours was too.

  4. A beautiful sunrise indeed. Enjoy your visit with your family.

    1. Thanks Elaine. We had a good time with our first in-person visit since the pandemic messed up everything.

  5. Glorious way to begin the day!

    1. Yes! It'd be even better if we woke up to news of peace,


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