Monday, February 26, 2024

In a Vase on Monday: What's better than one zombie?

The answer is two 'Zombie' Hippeastrums of course!  We had a few days of warmer temperatures and my Hippeastrums, all grown outside, have begun to open one after another, with 'Zombie' leading the parade.

I added 2 flowering stems of Arbutus 'Marina' in front to add more interest but I've no idea how long the small bell-like flowers will hold up.  They look fragile.
Back view: Like the last time I cut 'Zombie' for a vase, I used the ever-abundant flowers of Grevillea 'Superb' as a filler

Top view

Clockwise from the upper left: Arbutus 'Marina', white Freesia with noID Narcissus, Grevillea 'Superb', Leptospermum 'Copper Glow', Leucadendron salignum 'Blush' (now faded to ivory/yellow), another noID Narcissus (Tazetta type), and Hippeastrum 'Zombie'

While the first arrangement sings of spring, the second looks like a reminder that winter isn't done with us yet.  I had to fight the inclination to pick a cheerier set of blooms for my second arrangement but I'd already pruned stems of Leucadendron 'Wilson's Wonder' so I felt locked into the color scheme those stems set for me.

Cybister Hippeastrum 'Emerald' is much less flashy than 'Zombie'

Back view: The last of the Leucadendron 'Wilson's Wonder' stems I cut, which originally bore green cones with light yellow bracts, now sport brown cones with reddish-green bracts

Top view

Clockwise from the upper left: Corokia x virgata 'Sunsplash', Hippeastrum 'Emerald', Leptospermum 'Copper Glow', Leucadendron 'Blush', L. 'Wilson's Wonder', and Pyracantha berries

The rainstorm that had been forecast for Sunday/Monday this week has largely fizzled out, although it's possible we'll get a stray shower or two between Monday night and Tuesday morning.  There's now a greater chance of rain later in the week from Friday night through Saturday, possibly spilling into Sunday morning.  Much as I've appreciated the rain we've received thus far, as well as a short break to dry out a bit, I'm also hoping we haven't already seen the last of our rainy season.

For more IAVOM creations, visit Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.

All material © 2012-2024 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party


  1. The first vase is exuberant and I love the flowering stems of Arbutus 'Marina' trailing down it. Still, the second arrangement is even more charming. From the H. 'Emerald' to the red Pyracantha berries, with Leucadendron 'Blush' connecting the colors so well, and in this particular vase: it's gorgeous.

    1. Thank you, Chavli. I'm so focused on spring, it's hard for me to see a winter-like ensemble clearly.

  2. Gorgeous, I love the energy of the first one. The second one is great as well, that vase is perfect.

    1. Thanks Tracy. 'Zombie' has quickly become one of my favorite Hippeastrums.

  3. My goodness, what a generous number of hippeastrum blooms, Kris - that's never going to happen here!! You have used them to good effect and, as you say, there is a definite warm/cool distinction between your two vases

    1. I had 2 'Zombie' bulbs, which so far have produced 3 stalks in full bloom with another on its way. So far, it appears that all of my potted Hippeastrum will produce at least 2 blooms stalks. 'Apricot Parfait' produced 3 but now seems done for the season.

  4. Such a lush abundance of Hippeastrum! And the Grevillea just shines, what a great shrub to have. A beautiful job with both arrangements this week, Kris. Eliza

    1. Grevillea 'Superb' has earned its cost many, many times over since I planted it, Eliza. I can't imagine my garden without it.

  5. Here's something I never thought I would write - Zombies are so impressive, I love it. You are having a wonderful season with bulbs, I think the voles ate mine. Amelia

    1. Ugh! Voles, moles and gophers are frustrating creatures. Just today I found new evidence that the gophers are still active in my garden.

  6. I love the contrasting vases. And those hippeastrum are magnificent. What a statement they make in that vase. I am always stunned to see the variety of plant material you find that complements the flowers in each vase. And to see your hippeastrum growing in the ground and mine growing indoors. Now that is a contrast too. Winter to spring.

    1. All the Hippeastrum flowers I've shared since January are in pots, albeit outside rather than indoors. However, I've planted many of the bulbs originally grown in pots in prior years in the ground with mixed results. Some, like 'Luna' have done well, while others have taken their time to settle in, and a few have by all appearances disappeared. Those planted in the ground generally bloom later in the spring.

  7. 'Zombie' needs a new name to match its winsome personality. Both vases are beautiful, Kris.

    1. Yes, 'Zombie' deserves a name that better reflects its beauty but at least its name is easy to remember!

  8. Oh my goodness, Kris: Both are so stunning! Just lovely. I'm especially taken with the Grevillea and the Leucadendron...well, and everything else. Wonderful!

    1. Thanks Beth. I can always depend on Leucadendrons and Grevilleas to help me out with floral arrangements.

  9. Oh I love the dangly bits (Arbutus) and hope they hold up so you're inclined to include them in the future.

    1. So far, so good, Loree. They dropped just 5 tiny flowers in 24 hours and they don't make a mess when that happens.

  10. That first vase is gorgeous Kris! I love the Arbutus bells and the two Hippeastrums. A shame they have such a strange name! The second vase is also very cheerful with those red berries at the base. Do the birds eat the Pyracantha berries? It seems you have had a good rainfall this winter, and I hope you get a bit more before the spring kicks in.

    1. I haven't seen birds eating the Pyracantha berries but I suspect they are, Cathy. As I've refilled my feeders, I suspect they've been distracted ;)

  11. Both vases are so lovely in different ways, Kris. I have to say that I think the tiny berry-like buds cascading down the side of the vase in the top photo really add a special touch to that vase.

    1. The Arbutus flowers have held up better than expected, Jo!


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