Monday, September 16, 2024

In a Vase on Monday: What heatwave?

No, I haven't forgotten our recent scorching six-day heatwave.  However, dahlia flower production was unabated - it even appeared to step up in many cases.  Their foliage may look awful and dozens of dahlia flowers did end up in the compost bin during the worst of it but I've got more of these flowers this week than I know what to do with.  (Note: The rest of my garden didn't fare as well as my cutting garden, which received extra sessions of deep watering before and during the heatwave.)

There were enough 'Labyrinth' Dahlias to make a splashy arrangement.

The 'Labyrinth' flowers start out on the pinky side before turning a peach color at maturity

Back view

Top view

Clockwise from the top: Dahlia 'Labyrinth', Grevillea 'Superb', Leptospermum 'Copper Glow', Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Coral', and Z. e. 'Golden Hour'

I threw three different dahlias into my second arrangement.

Some of the 'Catching Fire' Dahlias that opened post-heatwave appeared more pink and white than red and white so I combined them with both the violet-purple flowers of Dahlia 'Vancouver' and the lavender and white flowers of Dahlia 'Mikayla Miranda'

Back view

Top view

Clockwise from the upper left: Dahlia 'Catching Fire', D. 'Vancouver', D. 'Mikayla Miranda', 2 shades of Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Wine' (one pink and the other burgundy-red), and Leptospermum 'Copper Glow'

A third arrangement couldn't be avoided as I can no longer abide leaving the kitchen island without flowers.

Top: 2 views of the smaller third arrangement
Clockwise from the middle left: Dahlia 'Iceberg', D. 'La Luna', Clematis terniflora, Pelargonium graveolens 'Lady Plymouth', and Symphyotrichum chilense

Two of my dahlia varieties have yet to bloom but one of these is getting closer.  I haven't given up on the second one either.  For more IAVOM creations, visit Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.

My Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day post for September will be published on Wednesday.

All material © 2012-2024 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party


  1. Beautiful, your Dahlias are having a great year! I regret not adding more in 2024, I'm missing those blooms this time of year.

    1. Dahlias - along with zinnias and, more recently, Rudbeckias - were my answer to my summer doldrums, Tracy. I used to dread summer but, introducing more succulents and those flowers for color, made that season much more enjoyable, although I could still do with fewer stretches of temperatures in the 90s and (shudder) 100s.

  2. Those top views show the combination of blooms in your vases off so well, Kris. You do peaches so well, and have some beautiful pinkish dahlias in your second vase. Is must be hard deciding how to use your limited supply of water when you love your garden so much, and I hope the less fortunate parts revive somewhat as the weather cools

    1. My trees and most of the large, well-established shrubs handled the heat without a problem, Cathy. Other smaller and less-established plants, including annuals and shade lovers like fuchsias, not so much. I try to be philosophical about it - I can buy new plants this fall! However, after the prior year's milder summer, this heatwave was a good reminder that it's a really bad idea for me to buy new plants during the summer months.

  3. I am sorry your garden didn't fare as well as the cutting garden, but my heart loves these vases. Each is taking my breath away in color and texture. I hope one day to visit and see it for myself.

    1. I was glad to have a lot of 'Labyrinth' Dahlias blooming at one time at last, Donna. As to a visit, you're welcome any time.

  4. Wow, Kris, your Dahlias look amazing. Wonderful they not only tolerated the heat but seeme to have thrived. Labyrinth is a beauty (mine finally has a bud).

    1. 'Labyrinth' didn't do well for me last year but I think I crowded the plant too much. This year I plunked the saved tuber in a barrel. It's taken its time to produce an ample flush of blooms but I'll definitely save the tuber to plant it again next year.

  5. Your Dahlias look splendid Kris ! Mine are an absolute mess -two of the tubers didn't come up at all, two were the wrong variety (at least the grower is sending replacements in spring) one came up and and grew about a foot before suddenly dying , and of course the leaf miners have done their job on the foliage. I'm not giving up ! You've inspired me to get Labyrinth your arrangements this week !

    1. My dahlias got off to a late start again this year, principally due to the persistence of cool temperatures in late spring but they've done well once they got started. One of the stragglers, 'Hometown Hero', new this year, has finally developed buds. I'd given up on 'Belle of Barmera' tuber, saved from last year, and was just about to toss it when I saw a sprout - whether it'll bloom before the days get too short and too cool remains to be seen.

  6. Oh my goodness...I love the peach/coral shades together with the red. That vase has me smiling. The other vases are lovely, too. Very nice. Happy IAVOM!

  7. Fabulous Dahlia arrangements--they are so very pretty.

    I too was quite surprised at how well the Dahlia flowers stood up the the extreme heat. The roses toasted but the Dahlias were fine.

    1. The main concern I have is with the dahlia foliage, which seems to be dying back at record speed. I see new leaves developing on some stems where I've removed the dead foliage but I wonder if it'll be sufficient to support flower development through October.

  8. Gorgeous Dahlias. You are inspiring me to grow some. I just have one this year and it is certainly not spectacular as yours are. I love the extravagance of colour in your blooms. With you on the heat!

    1. Dahlias make summer a whole lot brighter a season, Jenny!

  9. I love the Labyrinth' Dahlias display! We have a few of them in the garden and they are one of my favourite dahlias.

  10. Your Dahlias! Again! Spectacular all! On the rare occasion I have had a Dahlia the foliage has fried in the heat like that and then the flowers shatter. Fingers crossed for the rest of them. Amelia

    1. The foliage of my 'Break Out' Dahlia was badly damaged by the heatwave. I've removed most of the toasted leaves and some small leaf buds are developing but whether they'll be able to support the growth of new flowers is questionable. We shall see!


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