Monday, July 1, 2024

In a Vase on Monday: More lilies

After teasing me with promising buds for well over a month, my lilies are now unfolding one after another.  This week, in recognition of Independence Day, I chose to cut one stem of Lilium 'Friso' to start with.  The lily's color is described as raspberry-red and white but that was close enough for me.  All my lilies are hybrid mixes of Asiatic and Oriental species (aka Orienpets and tree lilies).

After viewing my photos, I thought I erred in placing the large disc flower of Daucus carota 'Dara' front and center.  The dark burgundy flower creates something of a black hole effect, sucking up the light, but I'd no time or patience to reconstruct the arrangement.

The back view presents a more balanced distribution of light and dark colors, showing off the small white flowers of Leptospermum 'Copper Glow'.  Holding off on pruning the tree-like shrubs was rewarded with more flowers than they've ever produced this summer season.

Top view

Clockwise from the upper left: noID white Agapanthus, noID pink Alstroemeria, Daucus carota 'Dara', Digitalis purpurea, Leptospermum 'Copper Glow', and Orienpet Lilium 'Friso' 

You probably noticed that I didn't weave any blue flowers into the first arrangement.  I made up for that by creating a second arrangement of blue and white flowers (with touches of yellow).

This arrangement strikes me as more balanced than the first one

Back view

Top view

Clockwise from the upper left: Abelia grandiflora 'Hopley's Variegated', noID blue Agapanthus, noID Leucanthemum x superbum, Sollya heterophylla (aka Australian blue creeper), Tanacetum parthenium (aka feverfew), and Viola 'Sorbet XP Neptune' 

Last week's arrangement with Lilium 'Orange Planet' held up well so I cut it down to size for the kitchen island.

I added one stem of Digitalis purpurea 'Peach Dalmatian' and a few short stems of Leptospermum 'Copper Glow' to the leftover stems of Lilium 'Orange Planet' and Leucospermum 'Royal Hawaiian Brandi'

Our marine layer is still in place during the early morning hours but it's been lifting early, generally around 8am.  It still provides us some insulation from the afternoon heat, although the residual humidity makes it feel hotter than the mercury level suggests.  The local television stations keep warning us of a pending heatwave but it isn't reflected in the local projections posted online.  I can only hope that it'll be more comfortable here than elsewhere in Southern California.

For more IAVOM creations, visit Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.

All material © 2012-2024 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party


  1. Gorgeous Kris, the agapanthus flowers are such a pretty add-in.

    1. Agapanthus are very important elements of my summer garden, Tracy. There are a LOT of them here, most of which came with the garden. They're nearly indestructible in my climate.

  2. Hoping for good weather and not too hot for you. Love the explosion of blooms in the first vase and the frilliness of the second with the daisies and that blue.... Agapanthus and viola, oh my!

    1. So far, so good on the temperature today, Donna. The marine layer was in place this morning and, although it's already lifted at our elevation, it's only 77F at the moment ;) Agapanthus are very useful at this time of year, although I can't say they're impervious to a heat strike above 100F if that comes.

  3. I do envy you your lovely lilies with no beastly lily beetles to ruin them. I love the white and dark red colour scheme of your first arrangement, this is such a beautiful combination.

    1. I don't even want to think about lily beetles, Chloris. I've never seen one so I might not even recognize the need to take action if they appeared. Perhaps the fact that lilies aren't often seen in local gardens has kept them from showing up here.

  4. That's an interesting observation about the daucus, and I kind of see what you mean - showing us the back view is always an eye-opener too, I do like the relative simplicity of the blue and white vase though, and the little violas add a touch of extra detail to it

    1. I have to say that, despite the effort that went into the first vase, the second one is my favorite as well, Cathy. And, yes, I also thought the pansies were the element that provided that little extra touch.

  5. More Lilies...yes! One can never have too many. And the arrangements are gorgeous, as always! Happy vase day!

    1. Thanks Beth. Happy (In a) Vase Monday to you too!

  6. I love that Daucus and like where you used it reflecting the other deeper colors. The lilies are fantastic, I can only dream of those here. Happy 4th, Kris! Amelia

  7. Glamorous lilies, but I agree the blue and white is more balanced All lovely!

    1. Thanks HB. I love the lilies but have been surprised at just how strong their scent is! A little goes a long way.

  8. Lilies! Love them. I also think your downsized kitchen vase is terribly cute.

    1. The lilies waited a painfully long time to bloom and I worried that they'd be torched by summer temperatures, Loree. A significant heatwave is expected but, so far at least, the early morning marine layer is still offering some protection along the coast here.

  9. Lovely flowers. I like all your color combinations. Your garden must be gorgeous!

    1. Thanks TLL! Moving here over a dozen years ago offered me a large space to garden and, over time, we eliminated all lawn areas so we could make the most of it.

  10. Well done on the lilies. Beautiful arrangement. (I always notice flower placement changes after seeing the photos.) Love the little Violas in the blue and white vase. Hope the heatwave doesn't come. We had the most beautiful morning today, almost a tinge of fall, but heading up to 100F this week.

    1. I seriously considered rejiggering the first arrangement after viewing my photos but I lacked the energy to do that, then take another set of photos. Our household weather station says it's 82F now but one local online station says it's 92F while another from a different service says it's 68F! Upper 70s/low 80s feels more on the mark but the variations in readings are enough to make a person crazy.

  11. Your white Agapanthus is lovely, but the blue ones are simply a dream! One year I will invest in one and find somewhere I can overwinter it, but they are rather expensive here and even the hardy ones would not like our winters! Lovely arrangements, especially the blue one. That hint of yellow sets it all off. Have a good holiday weekend!

    1. It's too bad you're so far away, Cathy! I'd did up some Agapanthus bulbs and pass them along but I expect that mailing them would be not only costly but probably prohibited ;)


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