Monday, July 15, 2024

In a Vase on Monday: Just one

I usually create more than one floral arrangement for "In a Vase on Monday," the popular meme hosted by Cathy of Rambling in the Garden.  My decision to limit myself this week wasn't due to a shortage of blooms, although many are starting to look scruffy as summer progresses.  It has more to do with the fact that we're in the middle of an unplanned effort to replace all the remaining copper water pipes inside our house.  The plumbers' role in the process was mostly completed last week but there are holes in the walls of four rooms, a hallway, and a closet that need to be repaired and painted before everything currently strewn elsewhere in the house and garage can be moved back into place.  Meanwhile, I'm preparing to head off on a five-day trip, booked six months ago, leaving my husband with a mess.  And, on Saturday, the trauma rippling through the US as the result of an attempted assassination of a presidential candidate increased my tension.  Although the candidate isn't one I support and has himself manipulated political divisions within the country, the action by yet another gun-happy murderer is repulsive and just heightens emotions.  We can only hope that people on both sides of the political spectrum, as well as those commenting on the divide via mainstream and social media, tone down the rhetoric and focus on the substance of their differences.

With my attention jumping from one issue to another, this is what I came up with this week.

The unexpected appearance of a Hippeastrum simplified the selection process

Back view

Top view

Clockwise from the upper left: Cuphea 'Vermillionaire', Grevillea 'Superb', Hippeastrum 'Dancing Queen', Leucanthemum x superbum, Tanacetum parthenium, and Xylosma congestum

For more IAVOM creations, visit Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.

With the house and most of my usual vase spots a mess until the construction crew can install new drywall and paint, the arrangement ended up on the kitchen island

All material © 2012-2024 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party


  1. This arrangement is glorious and bright, lovely. Hopefully all will be done and fresh when you return.

    1. The second stage of our project seems to be proceeding especially slowly but my fingers are crossed that the holes in the wall will at least be filled by the time I return. Ugh! Even though we're trying to clean up after the contractors each day, it's a mess.

  2. Well, I totally agree with everything you've said in this post, and your arrangement is stunning! I don't think I've ever seen an Amaryllis like that before, wow! And everything else in the arrangement certainly complements it. Safe travels and enjoy the Fling!

    1. I was disappointed to see that you're not attending the Fling this year, Beth (not that I haven't missed several). We've yet to meet in person but, if your travels bring you my way someday, I hope we can connect.

  3. I concur with the political crap going on. Your vase is stunning and hippeastrum still growing is surprising as I remember they grow outside in warm climates. Have fun on your trip and safe travels.

    1. I was given that Hippeastrum bulb last year by fellow blogger Hoover Boo and promptly planted it in a spot in my front garden. I didn't really expect it to flower in the first year but it's surprised me with 3 bloom stalks - the first one in late May and this most recent one in July, which is a remarkable in itself.

  4. It's another lovely bouquet. The Tanacetum running as though it is in a meadow is charming. I've set reading about any and all current events aside to keep myself from plummeting into deep depression.

    Very happy 'Dancing Queen' is doing well for you!

    1. 'Dancing Queen' is charming and combines well with many of my other plants, HB - thanks again for the bulb! I understand your decision on coverage of current events.

  5. 'Dancing Queen' makes this a happy vase, or perhaps seeing it that way I'm trying to balance the raw emotions and despair I feel.
    Oh, I do wish I were going to the Fling. Have a great week.

    1. I wish you were joining in on the Fling too, Susie!

  6. Sometimes a single vase is all it takes: this one is an absolute stunner, spectacular from every angel! You managed to tune out the chaos in the world around you and create something special.
    I'm sure your hubby will manage fine while you are having a wonderful time in the PNW. Happy Flinging.

    1. Thanks Chavli. I was surprised at how well the arrangement came together.

  7. It's a gorgeous arrangement Kris, looking forward to seeing you!

    1. Thanks Loree. I look forward to seeing you too!

  8. What a reasoned and rational opening paragraph, Kris 👍 and what a lovely vase, with your chosen blooms successfully supporting the unexpected hippeastrum - great choices! I hope the plumbing is soon completed

    1. Thanks Cathy. The plumbing piece is mostly done but the wall repairs and painting continues!

  9. One might think you timed your vacation perfectly. I planted an amaryllis in the garden one year, after it bloomed indoors during the winter, and it sent up a second stalk mid summer as well! Of course, I had to dig it up in the fall otherwise it would've turned to mush fast enough here!

    I love how your vases look fabulous from all sides Kris, this one is no exception.

    1. OMG I didn't have to enter my name etc! That's a first! It's Chris in Canada.

    2. My trip wasn't scheduled as perfectly as I'd have liked - I was here through the worst of the noise and inconvenience of the process. Thanks for adding your ID, Chris. Wordpress and Blogger haven't figured out how to coordinate with one another to make that process seamless.

  10. Although you have only managed one vase this week, it certainly makes an impact with that lovely Hippeastrum at the centre! The Tanacetum is really pretty too. Hope the construction and painting is finished soon, and have a great trip!

  11. Oops, forgot to add my name to that comment!

    1. Thanks Cathy. It appears that Blogger has altered the format for identifying people operating on different blog platforms. Whatever the change is, it's invisible on my end but you're the second Wordpress user to experience the problem. Sorry about that!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


  13. JennyJuly 17, 2024 at 12:32 PM
    It is reassuring to read your words from north of the border! We all worry which is why I spend more and more time with my plants. I love your tangerine arrangement and envy your more exotic plants( for me anyway) but I loved seeing the Feverfew. It is such a useful and giving plant. My father-In-law would eat a leaf a day to ward off migraines, Feverfew, Tanacetum, origin of Tanacet. If things get really difficult on the political scene, you can always go into the garden and munch on some Tanacetum!!


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