I usually try to come up with a theme for my Foliage Follow-up posts but this month all I have is a handful of photos of foliage plants that just happened to catch my attention during the course of the past week.
I picked up this Aloe, labeled as a hybrid of A. vanbalenii and A. ferox, at my local botanic garden's spring plant sale in 2016. I recently moved it to prevent it from being overrun by Acacia cognata 'Cousin Itt'. I was worried that it wouldn't appreciate the move but it seems to have taken the experience in stride. I've no idea how big this plant may get as no dimensions were offered by the hybridizer and the 2 parent plants vary dramatically in size. |
Leucadendron 'Safari Goldstrike' is developing some impressive cones |
Leucadendron 'Wilson's Wonder' is also developing cones. The photo shows the smaller of my 2 plants. Unfortunately, the larger plant got hacked by the gardeners when they trimmed our hedges this week. It was my fault for not paying attention and trimming back the plant myself as I usually do when it stretches into the driveway. |
The 3 Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Magic' we planted near the boundary line along the back slope after the giant Yucca elephantipes that formerly occupied the spot was removed in 2015 are finally beginning to form the screen we'd intended. Meanwhile, the Yucca periodically reappears in a vain attempt to retake the area. |
With the wind blowing, I caught a photo highlighting the pretty undersides of the leaves of Vitex trifolia 'Purpurea'. The plant flowers but these are relatively insignificant in my view. Its leaves are its primary attraction. It's said to be fast-growing to 10-15 feet tall and wide but my plant has been in place more than 3 years and is currently less than 3 feet tall. |
I'll end with a gratuitous photo of my lath (shade) house, still under construction.
This photo was taken from the street with the temporary structure my husband is using during installation of the roof partly obscuring the lath house. The roof is almost done, with just a few more lath pieces needed in the area above the door. Then the door will go in, followed by the interior shelving. We're getting there! |
Visit Pam at Digging, our Foliage Follow-up host, to see what foliage caught her attention and that of other garden bloggers this month.
All material © 2012-2017 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party
Kris, I just can't wait to see the lath house finished and full of lovely plants! I love the agaves in the fifth picture ¿are they agave mediopicta? I really want one of those but here I only find the common agave americana (completely blue and blue with yellow margins) I love agaves so much! but only have americana and the small Agave potatorum.
ReplyDeleteYes, they're Agave americana var mediopicta 'Alba'. I received 3 as pups from Hoover Boo of Piece of Eden (in 2015 I think). They're gaining size but slowly; however, they shouldn't get nearly as big as the regular species.
DeleteThe lath house is fabulous. You must be thrilled! Leucadendron cones will look great in your vases!
ReplyDeleteI usually cut quite a lot of Leucadendron 'Wilson's Wonder' once they "bloom" (i.e. when the bracts surrounding the cones turn their winter yellow color). The cones of 'Safari Goldstrike' are far larger but the plant itself is still relatively young (translation: small in size) so it may be a couple of years more before I cut any of them.
DeleteLove the rosy toothed edges of the aloe and the Vitex is so purple - lovely! Good job on the lath house, hubby! ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm really pleased with that Vitex now that it's gained some size, Eliza. Hubby is doing a lot of detail work on that lath house - even our neighbors are making favorable comments on a regular basis as work progresses.
DeleteCool foliage! I especially like the shot of Vitex trifolia 'Purpurea.'
ReplyDeleteI was a little iffy on that Vitex when I originally found it but it's earned its space in my garden!
DeleteGreat post for foliage follow-up! Thank you for sharing the green and growing things in your garden. The purple foliage of the Vitex is delightful!
ReplyDeleteApparently, that Vitex is still relatively uncommon, Beth. I think I came upon it purely by accident.
DeleteHi Kris, your 3 Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Magic' are looking fantastic; what a pretty screen they are making! I am also fascinated with your aloe and Leucadendron. These lovely plants are unknown in my garden, though I could grow the aloe in a pot and bring it in for winter. I love the red tints it has acquired. The foliage in your garden is varied and beautiful and contributes mightily to the overall beauty of your wondrous garden.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I am still hearing reports on California fires. My thoughts go out to those affected and to the brave firefighters. It seems this year is the worse I remember for California wildfires.
The Thomas Fire IS still very bad, Deb - it's on its way to becoming the largest fire in California's history. When you consider the October fires in Northern California and now the December fires in Southern California, this is the worst fire year on record for the state. Even SoCal has never had a massive wildfire in December, much less several of them. At the start of the month, the low humidity and high winds were only expected to last 3 or 4 days (and even that was considered unusual for this time of year) but 2+ weeks is unfathomable.
DeleteThe lath house is looking fabulous! The Pittos are developing nicely as well. Will be interesting to see what the ferox x vanbalenii will do; it has the foliage colors of vanbalenii and the shape is more ferox-y.
ReplyDeleteI'm very interested to see what that aloe will do. It's placement is just a crapshoot as it could easily get too large for that spot.