Monday, March 17, 2025

In a Vase on Monday: The blues and bright spots

I tend to favor blue over every other color in my garden and, at this time of year, there are plenty of blue flowers available to fill a vase.  This week I downplayed the sharp contrast of blue and yellow I used last week for a softer look.

In retrospect, a few more light flowers would've been useful to break up the mass of blue flowers.  In addition to Scilla peruviana, I used 3 different Dutch Iris varieties this week.

Back view: The Acacia 'Cousin Itt' I used as a foliage filler looks a bit messy from this angle

Overhead view

Clockwise from the upper left: Acacia cognata 'Cousin Itt', Anemone coronaria 'Mr Fokker', noID Narcissus, Iris hollandica 'Mystic Beauty', I. h. 'Pink Panther', I. h. 'Sapphire Beauty', and Scilla peruviana

I chose to fill my second vase with a mix of bright flowers.  Much as I love blue, I find myself in need of something cheerful to look at these days when every newscast seems to be worse than the one before.  It's hard not to feel anxious about the direction our country is headed under the current administration.

I took advantage of the first flowers of Leucospermum 'Royal Hawaiian Brandi' as a starting point

Back view

Overhead view

Clockwise from the upper left: more wispy Acacia cognata 'Cousin Itt', Calendula officianalis 'Cantaloupe Mix', C. o. 'Ivory Princess' and 'Oopsy Daisy', Grevillea 'Peaches & Cream', Leucadendron 'Cloudbank Ginny', Narcissus 'Geranium', and Leucospermum 'Royal Hawaiian Brandi'

For more IAVOM creations, visit Cathy at Rambling in the Garden to find what other contributors have put together.

All material © 2012-2025 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party


  1. I love blue blooms as well. That 2nd vase is so utterly charming it holds it own against the all blue. These are stunners!

    1. Despite my preference for blue flowers, the second vase wins my own vote this week, Tracy.

  2. Lucky you, with lots of blues! I do look out for more blues for my bold borders and the blue & white ones, but so often they are not 'true' blues, which are to be treasured. Coincidentally, I have planted a Scilla peruviana bulb, which I noticed today was coming up, so I shall be observing its progress. No doubt it is all but native for you! Of course I really like your first vase today, but the second is so typically 'you', in those peachy tones

    1. Interestingly, despite the species epithet of that Scilla, it hails from Portugal rather than Peru, as might be suggested by its name. Apparently, there was some confusion because the bulb entered Europe on a ship called the Peru - botanists didn't always crosscheck their data during the naming process it seems ;) My Scilla took a few years to bulk up before it started producing lots of flowers but I hope it does well by you, Cathy.

  3. The blues are positively singing in the first vase Kris. Blues are a favourite with me too 💙

    1. I hope you have lots of blues in your garden this spring and summer, Anna!

  4. Delicious, those blue iris have me swooning. Spring is beautiful in your garden! Amelia

    1. Spring is the best season here by far, Amelia. Early summer is okay but, once the heat soars, things often go downhill!

  5. Leucospermums are so exotic to me but I have to say those blues 'do it'. They are fabulous. I'm afraid I have to limit my exposure to the news these days. I feel for you. Flowers are my sanity!

    1. I've been trying to reduce my news coverage but it's hard to avoid when it comes from all directions, Jenny. As soon as I think things have reached rock bottom, they get worse :(

  6. Scilla peruviana is calling me -again !

    1. It is a fabulous plant, Kathy! Mine needs dividing, though.

  7. I love your blues, Kris. The second vase though has such intriguing shapes and characteristics. Amazing. And yes, no doubt we're heading wrong direction, what will stop this crazy man and his crazy enablers.

    1. The defiance of the courts should be sending warning signals to everyone :(

  8. I am generally not a fan of blue (unless it's the sky or the ocean) so I appreciate your making the second vase for me, I love everything about it!

    1. You may be the first person I know who doesn't love blue flowers (although I'm guessing you don't feel the same about blue-ish foliage) but I'm glad you liked the second arrangement, Loree. It's my favorite this week too.


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