Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A departure from the usual programming

It's been another crappy week.  The news out of the US capitol is difficult to watch, although I'm still consuming more coverage than may be healthy.  Our humidity level dropped to ten percent as the Santa Ana winds picked up again.  Three fires broke out in San Diego County yesterday, while the battle to contain the Palisades and Eaton Fires in Los Angeles County continues.  (There's no marine layer at the moment!)  The air quality here remains poor and, with the wind chill, it's felt especially cold so, other than a little watering, I've barely touched my garden this week.

Meanwhile, on a recommendation from blogger Tracy at tz-garden, I pulled up a few Cat TV videos off YouTube to keep my cat entertained.

It took a little while for Meeko to warm up to it.  Some videos were clearly more compelling than others.  Those with noisy, active birds had the greatest appeal.

The videos kept her attention longer than I'd expected but she was periodically distracted by the activity at the bird feeders outside my office window.

The air purifier in my office has proven to be one of her favorite perches when tracking the outdoor birds.  Regrettably, she's also inclined to take in the view of the feeders from our kitchen island, a habit I'm having difficulty breaking. 

The real-time activity outside the the window tends to get her riled up, which led me to try "calming" Cat TV videos.  They worked, sort of.

The videos feature views of numerous cats and kittens, most sleeping with background music

The video shown above is accompanied by piano music with a continuous undertone of a cat purring.  It does seem to relax Meeko, although it's possible that's just a coincidence.

Snapshot of Meeko in my lap with the video playing.  She seems to ignore the video's visuals.

The purring sounds, which my husband complained about, brought to mind an old episode of the Star Trek TV series, entitled "The Trouble with Tribbles."  Tribbles were furry creatures that purred incessantly, and also procreated like mad, creating chaos.  Captiain Kirk eventually rid his ship of them by transporting them to a Klingon battle ship that was threatening the Enterprise.  Apparently, Klingons fervently dislike tribbles, which I suppose puts my husband in the same class as Klingons.  For the record: I can't in any way be construed as a "Trekkie" but my college boyfriend, now husband, and his friends exposed me to re-runs of that series back in the day and this particular episode stuck in my mind for some reason.

I hope to soon return to my regular garden-related programming.  According to AccuWeather (but not all weather agencies), there's currently a seventy percent chance of light rain here this weekend and a seventy-five percent chance of more rain on February 4th.  Fingers crossed!

All material © 2012-2025 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party


  1. I'm a bit of a news junky myself but unable to watch Any television news, local or national. Instead, I listen to NPR when I first wake up and intermittently during the day, just to make sure the world is still turning.
    It's hard to keep young cats entertained so I'm glad Meeko keeps you busy. I love the sound of purring cat... I find it relaxing.

    1. I couldn't even listen to NPR on Monday morning...I like the purring cat sound too - that video may be even more calming for me than Meeko, especially when she follows suit, curling up in my lap and purring.

  2. Ha ha, yes the loud bird chirping videos are Dr.'s favorite as well. I haven't tried the calming videos, although I don't think he needs help in the nap department anymore. Married to a Klingon, better than a Borg. Growing up, my brother was an avid Star trek fan, so I think I've seen every episode 3x at least. I hope that rain hits this weekend for you!

    1. I'd forgotten all about the Borgs! My husband is definitely more like a Klingon, at least when it comes to his view of furry purring creatures. Two more fires today, one big one near Lake Castaic in Los Angeles County, approaching the 5 freeway - ugh! Rain is still in the weekend forecast, though.

  3. Ah yes, "The Trouble with Tribbles" was one my brothers and I looked forward to every time it was rerun. I can imagine that constant purring might send me over the edge too...

    1. It probably didn't help that I had the sound up on the video, although my husband's hearing is poor these days...

  4. I'm going to have to check into those cat videos for my feline. Fun! Sorry to hear about the fires, dryness, and winds. Keeping you all in my thoughts ... I hope there will be some relief soon. <3

    1. Two more new fires today, Beth. One of those that broke out in Santa Barbara yesterday has already been fully contained but there's a new one there today plus another, larger fire in Los Angeles County that's already passed 5000 acres. That rain can't come too soon!

  5. Hard to balance the need to know with the need to protect myself. I do hope the rain materializes.

    1. The weekend rain is still in the forecast and the chance of it here has even risen some, Susie. It's not likely to be much but just a break in the drought would feel like a victory of sorts.

  6. It's been a tough January. We need to stay strong and endure.

    1. Yes. I love the cartoon you sent me. I'm all in on the cat videos, if not the smoking and drinking ;)

  7. I'm trying to limit my news consumption to the occasional morsel, otherwise I'll go crazy. And we're not even a week in. Maybe _I_ should watch cat videos myself!

    1. I just read a post by a Canadian, Andrew Coyne, published by Robert Reich, and I'm more depressed than ever about the new administration. I'm not sure there are enough cat videos...

  8. Hilarious to compare your spouse to a Klingon, ha! Thanks for the laugh. As to kitten hijinks, I guess that is why people adopt cats in pairs... to keep each other occupied. Have you tried keeping a squirt bottle in the kitchen to train her off the island? Good luck 👍 🍀 Eliza

    1. My original plan was to adopt a bonded pair but the only one the the shelter had appeared nearly comatose. In retrospect, they may have been a better match ;) I agree that cats do better in pairs but, given our experience with Meeko, I doubt I can convince the Klingon that we need a second cat! We have multiple squirt bottles - and even 2 squirt guns...


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