At last, the dahlias seem to be getting in gear. My zinnias are already giving in to mildew and I expect that the dahlias may soon follow so there's little reason not to grow for broke and cut nearly every bloom as it makes an appearance. That philosophy led to the creation of three arrangements this week. I was tempted to put together a fourth but that was too much even for me.
Dahlia 'Gitt's Crazy' takes its time reaching bloom stage but, when it does, it doesn't seemed inclined to stop.
The dahlia's flowers start out a fuchsia-pink berry color but turn a soft gold as they mature |
Back view: I planted Zinnia 'Queen Lime Orange' at the base of 'Gitt's Crazy' in a half barrel on a guess that the two would look good together so it seemed natural to use the zinnias as a filler in this arrangement |
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Clockwise from the upper left: Abelia grandiflora 'Hopley's Variegated', Agonis flexuosa 'Nana', Eriocapitella hupehensis (aka Japanese anemone), Dahlia 'Gitt's Crazy', and Zinnia elegans 'Queen Lime Orange' |
Like 'Gitt's Crazy', Dahlia 'Loverboy' is a holdover from last year. The tuber I saved was small and I almost tossed it in April but I decided it wouldn't hurt to pop it into a small plastic pot to see what happened. It sprouted and, when space opened up in one of the raised planters in my cutting garden, I moved it here, not really expecting much. To my surprise, it produced buds and, late last week, its first bloom.
I hadn't remembered that 'Loverboy' was as dark as it is. It leans toward the blue end of the red spectrum, which ruled out pairing it with the first blooms of Dahlia 'Waltzing Mathilda' as I'd originally planned. The latter is more a scarlet red with an orange tinge. |
Back view: As Zinnia 'Queen Red Lime' is now heavily mildewed, I cut as many flowers as I could in the interest of using them before I feel compelled to pull up the plants |
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Clockwise from the upper left: Correa 'Wyn's Wonder', Leptospermum 'Copper Glow', Pennisetum advena 'Rubrum', Dahlia 'Loverboy', and Zinnia elegans 'Queen Red Lime' |
Dahlia 'Enchantress', also a holdover from prior years, is challenging 'Gitt's Crazy' in the bloom department, winning it inclusion in another arrangement this week.
I added one stem of Zinnia 'Benary's Giant Wine' to the mix. Interestingly, some of these seed-sown zinnias are purplish in color like this one, which others are more definitely red. |
Back view: This white gladiola is the best flower I've had yet from the mix I ordered last year. Perhaps last week's cooler temperatures helped to keep the bloom looking good for more than a day. |
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Clockwise from the upper left: Angelonia 'Archangel White', Cosmos bipinnatus, noID Gladiolus, Dahlia 'Enchantress, Gomphrena decumbens 'Itsy Bitsy', Pelargonium peltatum (aka ivy geranium), Prostanthera ovalifolia 'Variegata', and Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Wine' |
We had a lovely stretch of cool temperatures last week, allowing me to start some of my fall garden projects. It's expected to get warmer again this week but then that back and forth bounce between summer and fall is par for the course here. However, work in the garden may be confined to early morning and late afternoon hours until cooler temperatures return.
For more IAVOM creations, visit our host, Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.
All material © 2012-2021 by Kris Peterson for Late to the Garden Party